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We strive to challenge each student at the level that is best for them. Although each 2K or 3K cohort may be made up of different ages and abilities, teachers are constantly encouraged to individualize lessons and stations in order to meet the need of the individual student.


Our teachers pride themselves on planning unique and fun activities as well as seeing each child blossom and grow.


Our daily schedules offer routine and structure throughout the day, allowing students to feel safe and secure and know what is coming next.


We learn through positive teaching and setting individual expectations for each student so they can feel good about their accomplishments!


We are proud to offer the Frog Street curriculum to our 2K, 3K and 4K classrooms. Frog Street focuses on all areas of development as well as following Conscious Discipline practices to support social and emotional growth.




For a full list of our policies, please review the Family Handbook. 

Does my child need to be potty trained before attending Excel Preschool?

  • No they do not. We make every attempt to work on potty training with you and your child when s/he is ready and on an agreed upon schedule. Potty training is another skill to learn, often in the 2K classroom.


Can I drop off outside of the morning drop off window?

  • Parents can drop off their students no sooner than 7:30am. The drop off time may be extended past 8am, but it is not recommended. Students arriving later than 8am will miss portions of preschool and preschool fees are not adjusted for late drop offs or early pick ups.


My child is mildly ill, can s/he still come to preschool?

  • Excel Preschool is not licensed to take care of mildly ill children. Please see the Family Handbook for a full list of illnesses that may exclude a student from school.


When will my child move from the 2K to the 3K classroom?

  • Students are assigned to 2K or 3K classrooms based off of birth date with the cut off being September 1st. Students in a cohort will move on to the next classroom together and will eventually attend 4K or kindergarten together. This means that the 2K classroom has a range of 2 and 3 year-olds and the 3K classroom can have a range of 3, 4, and even some 5 year-olds. We are strict in the age ranges of our cohorts and very rarely allow students to move up early. Please do not worry, as each child's individual strengths are challenged in their classrooms, no matter if they are an older student in the cohort or a younger student. Please discuss with the director if you have concerns about your individual child.


My child is 4. Can s/he be in the 3K classroom? 

  • Yes, students can be in the 3K classroom through the age of 4, and even 5, before they begin 4K.


Where is the option to enroll in 4K at Excel Preschool? 

  • 4K enrollment is done each year around February through the Stevens Point School District's website. You must sign up your student for 4K through the pointschools website and cannot enroll through Excel's registration documents.

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